
Now that winter is coming again, it's time to get out the skates again. Graf's figure skates are perfect for a wonderful skating experience. Graf is a Swiss brand that has had experience in making high quality skates since 1937. The brand's skates are sold all over the world. The Graf skates are most sold in Russia, Scandinavia and Germany. In the range you will find beautiful figure skates for women and girls. Graf has specially designed the skates for novice figure skaters.

Graf Skating

In the range on Outdoorsupply you will find the Graf Davos Gold figure skates. Graf figure skates are specially designed for the novice figure skaters. In addition, they have a beautiful old-fashioned design with a traditional lacing. There are ankle pads at your ankles for extra protection and comfort and has the Air active lining. The Air active liner gives a lot of firmness but still breathes, so you don't have to worry about smelly feet. In addition, the skates are nice and warm.