Poederbaas Brand
Poederbaas since 2010
Poederbaas is a young, Dutch brand that focuses on winter sports accessories. In 2010, they started selling homemade woollen hats and headbands to fellow skiers. This was originally intended as a simple, kind gesture,, but, as a result of this initiative, the Poederbaas brand was soon established. Since then, the brand has grown rapidly and become well known across Europe.
In the meantime, the assortment has expanded to include a wide range of accessories. All these products have a beautiful, cheerful, and original design. The aim of Poederbaas is to design high quality, beautiful products and excellent service. They want to make their customers feel special, happy and confident.
Poederbaas Events
Poederbaas no longer only designs winter sports accessories, they also organise events aimed at freeride skiers and snowboarders. These are great events that attract many young winter sports enthusiasts. Two events organised by Poederbaas are the Dutch Freeride Festival, where the Dutch Freeride Championships are held, and Create Your Signature. With these events they try to achieve their goal, namely to make the customers and participants feel special and cheerful. In addition, Poederbaas wants to give them more confidence. These events challenge the athletes to get more out of themselves and to reach a higher level in a fun way. Read more about these events below.

Dutch Freeride Festival
The Poederbaas Freeride Festival is a spectacular event taking place in Kappl in Austria. During this event, the Dutch Freeride Championship takes place. Freeriders can challenge themselves and showcase their skills. In addition, different presentations are given, you can test your gear, and, of course, there are great parties. Poederbaas organises this event to make the freeride sport more accessible and supported. In addition, Poederbaas wants to create a space in which these athletes can challenge themselves and discover their qualities.
Create Your Signature
Poederbaas wants to inspire winter sports enthusiasts and offer the opportunity to challenge themselves and grow. One way they do this is with Create Your Signature. For this event, Poederbaas invites eleven young snowboarders and skiers to go to a cabin in the French mountains with professional freeriders. Here, they are trained and coached for 5 days to bring their skills to a higher level. The name, Create Your Signature, stands for the traces you make in the snow; your lines, your signature. The invitees are able to develop these during the 5 day event.
Materials, design, and production
Poederbaas beanies and headbands are mainly made using strong materials of very high quality. These materials, mainly acrylic, are extremely soft and stay in shape without the fabric loosing its elasticity or form. Thanks to the acrylic-based fabrics, the hats do not absorb water and they dry very quickly. Acrylic is even warmer than wool, making these products are extremely suitable to wear during winter sports holidays. The clothing from Poederbaas is made from organic cotton. Poederbaas uses organic cotton because the use of this material is better for the environment. With this, Poederbaas is trying to do their bit for mother nature.
Quality is one of the most important values that Poederbaas focuses on. For winter sports enthusiasts and freeriders, it is important that their products have a high quality to protect them from the cold. In order to guarantee high quality, Poederbaas tests its products with athletes and improves their products on the basis of feedback. Testing the products in this way also plays a major role in the production process. They also have a large team of Grandmothers who still make a large part of their products with pride. Another part of the production process is carried out by organisations that are members of BSCI. BSCI supports brands and retailers to improve the working conditions at farms and factories worldwide. They ensure that these companies take social responsibility, as does Poederbaas.