Avalanche Advice Page
Good to know
What is an avalanche?
An avalanche is a large snow mass that suddenly comes off the slope and starts to shift at high speed. The chance that this happens is high when there is a lot of snow falling onto a mountain. The chance of an avalanche is also much higher off-piste because the layers of snow do not stick closely to each other because, among other reasons, less skiing is done there.
The risks
Unfortunately, the chances of survival when you are dealing with an avalanche are relatively low. A human has on average 15 to 18 minutes of oxygen when they become buried under a mountain of snow. Good equipment can ensure that the risks of an avalanche are reduced, and your survival chances increase. We therefore recommend that you are well prepared by always carrying an Avalanche Airbag, Avalanche Transceiver, Avalanche Probe, and an Avalanche Shovel. In addition, there are a number of tips that you must take into account before skiing on an off-piste run. On this advice page, we will offer you comprehensive advice on entering a ski area as safely as possible.
If you like to take risks on the mountain, you will automatically be more likely to come into contact with an avalanche. Off-piste areas are a nice change from the normal slopes, but are full of loose snow and are less frequently checked. We therefore recommend that you go well into the mountains to avoid unpleasant surprises. Ski equipment is only helpful if you practise using these materials thoroughly. Before using the products below, carefully read the package leaflet of the product for additional information.
Avalanche Airbags
With an Avalanche Airbag, you will have a significantly higher chance of survival after an avalanche. Thanks to airbag backpacks, an air-filled gap is formed during an avalanche, allowing you to stay above the snow. If you still get stuck under the snow, the airbag is equipped with an air system so that your chances of survival still increase. You will also be buried less deep in the snow with this product. For skiers who like to take risks and often go off-piste, an avalanche airbag is a must.
Here at Outdoorsupply you will find a great range of airbags. For example, various airbags offer the high-tech application for an automatic opening or an option to reuse the airbag. Click on the link below for an overview of the airbag backpacks on our site.
Avalanche Transceivers
The avalanche transceiver, or avalanche beacon, is a handy device that significantly increases your chances of survival if you get caught under an avalanche. The avalanche transceiver emits a frequency of 457 kHz so that you can be found earlier by your companions or by a search party. The survival time if you get stuck under a mountain of snow is on average 15 minutes, and the chance that someone finds you more quickly is increased with a transceiver. Transceivers are lightweight and small, so you can easily carry them with you. You must turn on the transceiver before you start skiing.
The avalanche transceiver can be perfectly combined with the avalanche probe and the avalanche shovel. Thanks to the avalanche transceiver, the location of the victim is known, after which their exact position can be determined with the probe. You can then dig someone out with the snow shovel.
Avalanche Probes
When your partner ends up caught in an avalanche, you increase the chances of finding your partner with an avalanche probe. The probe is a long stick of an average of 2 metres made of a lightweight but sturdy material. With the probe, you can poke through the snow to look for your companion. This will help to indicate their exact location. Because you can fold the probe in and out, it is very easy to transport.
The probe is part of the so-called trinity. With the avalanche sampler you can find out where your partner is located, while you can determine the exact location and depth with the probe. With the shovel you are then able to dig out your partner.
Avalanche Shovels
The avalanche shovel is an important tool for hikers and skiers in a ski resort. By taking a shovel with you, your companion's chances of survival are considerably increased if you decide to go off-piste. The avalanche shovels have a particularly light weight, making them easy to transport. Thanks to the fine angle that the scoop makes, you are able to create a great force and thus move a large amount of snow.
Avalanche shovels on Outdoorsupply are made of sturdy but lightweight materials. Because the scoops can often be collapsed or disassembled, it is also very easy to transport a shovel. The shovel works best in combination with an avalanche transceiver and probe.
Extra tips for your safety
When you enter a skiing area, it is useful to read these handy tips carefully. In most cases, an avalanche is caused by a person. In the case of an avalanche, it is always better to avoid the danger than to go looking for it.
- Be well prepared
Before you go on the slopes, always check the weather forecast and what kind of weather there has been. In a ski resort there is always a report for possible avalanche danger. Keep an eye on this and do not enter the run again if the weather code indicates that the danger is too high.
- Never go off-piste on your own
No matter how alluring and beautiful the soft white snow is, it is strongly advised not to go off-piste on your own in any area. Not only is there a greater avalanche danger, the chance that you are found in time is considerably lower if you're on your own.
- Watch out on steep slopes
On steep slopes the chance of an avalanche is considerably greater, so be careful before you enter a steep slope. Make sure that there is a safe area and avoid off-piste steep slopes.
- Make sure you have a good ski outfit
When you go skiing, it is important to have a decent ski outfit. Use great ski goggles so that you enjoy optimal visibility and a sturdy helmet for safety during unsafe situations. Some helmets and clothing are equipped with a GPS system to enhance your safety.
Know your weather warnings:

What do to in the event of an avalanche
Keep calm and breath
Despite the fact that your chance of survival decreases considerably without the right materials and preparation, there are some tips that you can take into account when dealing with an avalanche. Most of all: it is very important to stay calm and focused. The more you panic, the greater the risk that you run. If you are buried under snow, you will use up oxygen faster.
Jump uphill
Try to climb uphill as much as possible. The chance of success is not very high, but you can try to avoid an avalanche in this way, especially if you started it yourself with vibrations in the ground.
Run away or hold fast?
If you see an avalanche coming up, you have two options. Whether you run perpendicular to the mountain, in the hope that the avalanche rushes past you, or in the case of a light avalanche you can try to secure your self firmly on a thick, sturdy tree. In the case of a large avalanche, however, there is a great risk that the tree will not stay standing.
In the snow
When the snow catches you, it is a matter of staying above the mass as long as possible. This is very difficult without an airbag backpack, but you can try to fight with your arms against the snow with a 'breaststroke' motion. In the best case scenario, you can perform a 'front crawl' on your back. This keeps your head in an oxygen-filled area as long as possible and by moving a lot you will have more freedom of movement when you are under the snow.
Take position
If you are in a losing battle with the snow, anothing thing you can do is assuming a correct or advantageous posture. Put one arm as far as possible above you, with the hope that you will be found faster. Make a small air gap around your mouth with your other arm so that you can continue to breathe through your nose as normally and calmly as possible when the snow has stopped moving.
Top Brands
The company Ortovox was founded in 1980 with the goal of creating products to protect you against dangers in the mountains. Thanks to the innovative creations of this company, people are increasingly able to handle dangers in the high mountains. This brand has a wide range of avalanche shovels, avalanche probes and avalanche airbags. Click on the link below for more information about Ortovox products.
The German brand Pieps was founded in 1967. In 2013, Pieps decided to fully focus on the creation of its own safety systems for during snow avalanches, a goal in which they have certainly succeeded! Pieps products guarantee quality and extra safety when you are enjoying yourself on top of a mountain. For additional information about Pieps products, click on the link below.